Board of Selectmen - Minutes - Special

Meeting date: 
Monday, January 9, 2017


Monday, January 9, 2017

Call Meeting to Order 6:00PM 

Hugh Curley, Vice-Chair opened the meeting at 6:00PM.

 Present: Donald Harty, Chair; Hugh Curley, Vice Chair; J. Chris Bowes, Selectman;

and Kelly Dearborn-Luce, Recording Secretary.

No Other Attendees. 


Kelly Dearborn-Luce noted that a citizen called about the House Bill for Veterans Exemption.

The RSA 72:28 states that any veteran, with an honorable discharge may apply and qualify for an exemption. The Town now has a $500.00 per exemption for “war” qualifications exemptions.

The deadline for warrant articles to be voted on this year is tomorrow.

Hugh Curley reviewed the RSA. Hugh said he would like some time to research and discuss with Legion members. The Board agreed that they would like to research further and obtain more information.

Hugh Curley made a motion that there will be no warrant article presented at this time on the veteran’s exemption House Bill. The qualifications will remain the same until further notice. Chris Bowes seconded the motion, all voted in favor.

At 6:10PM Hugh Curley made a motion to adjourn. Chris Bowes seconded, all voted in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Kelly Dearborn-Luce

Recording Secretary