Planning Board Minutes 09/14/2016

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, September 14, 2016





SEPTEMBER 14, 2016

6:30 PM

In Attendance: John Hickey, Vice Chairman; Sharon Burnston; Hugh Curley, Selectmen’s Representative; Kathy DesRoches; Joe Harnois; John Keane, Alternate; Betsy Bosiak, Alternate

Not in Attendance: Sean Heichlinger, Alternate

Other Attendees: Mike Tardiff; Jeff Green; Doreen Green; Forest Green; Alison Parodi-Bieling; Dan Cotnoir; Sarah Barnum; Denyce Gagne; Jodi Wolbert

Jay opened the meeting at 6:30 PM. Jay appointed John Keane and Betsy Bosiak to sit on the Board.

Conservation Commission

Sarah noted she represents Epsom at Bear Paw Conversancy. Sarah had maps of the entire region and also one just for Epsom designating natural resources and properties having conservation easements.  She discussed the maps that were updated in 2014 and completed in 2015.  The three major things to conserve are drinking water resources, wildlife areas and farm lands.  She noted the Town should consider these areas when considering development.  The drinking water resources and farm lands were easy to define.  She noted the wildlife areas were more difficult to map.

Sarah noted that Bear Paw is a land conversancy that will hold easements to save the natural resources. They currently have sites in 12 area towns.  They assist owners to conserve the lands.

She discussed the various funding Bear Paw may be involved in. Sarah noted that Epsom has a lot of fragmented sites.

It was noted that the maps will assist the Town in reporting where its natural resources are located.

Public Hearing Continued– Subdivision – B.M.T. Construction, LLC – Tax Map

                         R 01, Lot 15 – Jug City Road

Jeff Green noted that at the last meeting the Board was concerned with what would be occurring in the future with all the lots rather than just the two lots he had brought before the Board. Mr. Green noted for the overall costs would be better to have everything engineered and developed for the future.

He noted that they have revised the application and are hoping that it will be acceptable. He noted the abutters would have to be renotified.   They will take care of everything the Board is requesting.  He feels this is more of what the Board is requesting.

Kathy asked if they would be asking for a variance on the cul de sac, Mr. Green noted just a waiver. Mr. Green noted that they were planning to leave a right of way at the end of the cul de sac.  Betsy asked who would be doing the engineering, Mr. Green noted Bruce Marshall.

It was discussed this was a major subdivision with discussions to be held with the Fire Department, Road Agent, Conservation Commission, etc.

Hugh motioned to continue the public hearing until September 28, Kathy seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Master Plan

Mike Tardiff noted the rest area study draft is completed with two meeting scheduled for the near future. The first is in Plymouth on September 26 with a meeting following in Portsmouth.  Mike discussed that the Department of Transportation considers the site a gateway to Epsom.  It was noted the land is appraised at $45,000.00.  The short term conclusions were to demolish the building and have the Department of transportation maintain the grounds.  The other option was to sell the property.

Mike noted that Matt Monahan and he had discussed the Economic Development portion of the Master Plan in the last few months.

They had discussed 79E – areas the Town would like to see Commercial Development. Mike noted it is a tool that has been approved in a number of towns.  Mike noted it is a five-year property tax incentive the Selectmen could use to encourage new business.

Mike noted the other tax credit incentive is a business profits tax reduction for companies. He noted the Town could identify the zones it could be used in. This is over five years also and would go toward the companies.

Mike noted he hoped the Master Plan process could help the Economic Development of the Town.

Mike noted they have been talking with the USDA regarding water expansion. He noted that it could assist with the Town’s match.  The Brownfields study for the MBTE at the circle was discussed.  Mike noted that Chichester is interested in having a joint meeting to discuss water issues.

Sharon felt that, unfortunately, the Planning Board has little say in these types of things. Mike responded that this was the pole of an Economic Development Committee.

Mike noted that his staff could help with the formation of an Economic Development Committee.

Joe noted the culture of the Town comes down to the people. He noted we had to create a culture.  He noted the people need to help create the culture.

Kathy noted the Website is not the best.

Sharon asked if the Master Plan had design regulations for non-residential buildings. Mike said it could.

To build a good Economic Development Committee business people should be involved. Hugh noted that the Town needed to inventory the buildings and also talents that could be available.  He noted also the challenges the businesses are facing.

Mike discussed the steps that might be followed to develop Economic Development. Short term would be a trails committee.  Mike noted that is why he wanted to talk with the Conservation Committee.  One interested person could start the committee.

Mike noted that the Town should look at its zoning and where the Town would like Commercial Development. Mike discussed where he is seeing the request for Regional Planning services vs. what was requested 15 years ago.

Jay noted we would have some zoning changes. He noted we would have to revise the sign ordinance.

Jay also noted John Dodge has resigned and we need to recruit new members.

Betsy passed out an e-mail from Andrew Ramsdell regarding the subdivision on Cobblestone Drive.

Jay discussed the proposal for U 08, Lot 82-4. He noted that he had spoken with Attorney Mitchell who indicated it was a change of use and they would have to return to the Board.

Administrative Session


Minutes of August 10, 2016

The minutes of August 10, 2016 were reviewed and amended.

Sharon motioned to approve the minutes of August 10, 2016 as amended, Hugh seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Minutes of August 24, 2016

The minutes of August 24, 2016 were reviewed and amended.

John motioned to approve the minutes of August 10, 2016 as amended, Joe seconded the motion. The motion passed with one abstention.


Old/New Business

Jay adjourned the meeting at 8:40 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Betsy Bosiak

Recording Secretary