Planning Board Minutes 08/24/2016

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, August 24, 2016





AUGUST 24, 2016

6:30 PM

In Attendance: John Hickey, Vice Chairman; Sharon Burnston;  Hugh Curley, Selectmen’s Representative; Kathy DesRoches; John Keane, Alternate; Sean Heichlinger; Betsy Bosiak, Alternate

Not in Attendance: John Dodge, Chairman; Joe Harnois

Other Attendees: Jeff Green; Dan Contoir; David Stewart; Lisa Shea; Doreen Green

Jay opened the meeting at 6:30 PM.

John appointed Sean to sit in for John Dodge and John Keane to sit in for Joe Harnois

Preliminary Discussion – Nano Brewery with future Nano-Plus License (for food service)

                                            David Stewart – Tax Map R 9, Lot 49 – 3 Griffin Road

Mr. Stewart gave the Board a synopsis of his proposed “Blasty Bough Brewing Company” as a Nano brewery.

Mr. Stewart discussed the need of obtaining a State License. It would begin as a brewery and retail sales.  He could not sell pints unless he would be selling food with the ales.  He has added additional parking for patrons.  The brewery would be in addition to the farm operation.  He would like to find an operation to assist with making the farm profitable.

Mr. Stewart may grow hops for his own use in the future. He noted it is difficult to grow hops in New England.

Traffic to the facility was discussed. Mr. Stewart estimates 50 vehicles in the beginning.  He anticipates selling 3 barrels a week in the future.  Sharon was concerned with the traffic to the facility.  Sharon noted lighting would have to be installed for the parking lot.

John asked the noise or smells during the brewing process. Mr. Stewart noted there might be some malt smell, but he did not feel it would go much further than his area around the buildings.

Sharon asked how the bed and breakfast would work with the brewery. Mr. Stewart noted at this time as he is only giving samples it would not be affected.  He noted that in the future he would have additional animals at the farm.  At this time, he has chickens.  He noted that he would have to offer more than just a bed and breakfast to make the farm profitable.

Kathy asked about the water usage. Mr. Stewart did not feel this would be an issue.

Hugh asked the State process. Mr. Stewart noted he just needed people to not say no.  Mr. Stewart discussed the State requirements.  Mr. Stewart noted there were also Federal requirements.

There was a consensus that Mr. Stewart should go to the State for the Nano brewing license and then return to the Planning Board.

Public Hearing Continued– Subdivision – B.M.T. Construction, LLC – Tax Map

                         R 01, Lot 15 – Jug City Road

Mr. Green gave the Board revised plans to review. The first sheet was a revised sheet with the existing conditions of the entire remaining parcel.

He noted that they are starting with 31.2 Acres. They are subdividing two lots.  He reshaped the road to keep it 10 degrees off the road.

Mr. Green noted the wetlands and steep slopes which are barely over 20%. They are the red areas on the plans.  He noted the shared driveway.  If a road is put in, then the driveways would be a future road.  He discussed the steepness of the road and showed the contours and slopes of the road.  He noted that the worst case was the 18 feet from the road to the last driveway.  He noted they would be cutting the grade to have a less than 6% grade for the driveway (road).

Kathy noted that the Board asked what would be occurring on the back land. Mr. Green gave the Board a plan with 8 future lots.  The road would be 1220 feet with these lots  He noted there would be an easement through the back land to a land locked lot in the rear.  Jay asked who owned the rear lot, Mr. Fauteux.  Mr. Green noted it would be impossible to put a road in to Poor Town Road due to the slopes.

It was noted that a 1,000 feet was the limit for a cul du sac. Mr. Green noted that Mr. Fauteux’s lot has access to Poor Town Road.

Sharon felt there was something about a proposal that would come before the Board that would be assuming the Board would give a waiver is kind of insulting to the Town. It makes her disinclined to approve the remaining proposal.

Mr. Green noted the Board has the ability to grant a waiver. He also noted the three categories (two of which are from the ZBA).  He noted he was looking at how to make the best development.  Sharon felt to request a waiver just to have two additional lots was presumptuous.  Hugh noted what he is requiring now is not requesting a waiver.

Hugh noted that he would prefer a through road rather than an cul du sac. Jay noted that it would have to go to Poor Town Road in the future.

Kathy noted that we cannot create the three lots because one lot does not have the 200 feet on a class 5 road. Mr. Green disagreed and felt the frontage on Poor Town Road would count.  It was noted that Poor Town Road was a class 6 road and the Town’s regulations do not allow frontage on a class 6 road to be used.

Kathy and Sharon suggested Mr. Green go for the entire subdivision rather than just the three lots he is proposing tonight.

A letter given to the Board by the Road Agent was reviewed.

Mr. Green noted that the letter from Mr. Ellis, Road Agent, was unenforceable. He noted that there were no easements requested previously.  He discussed that there would have to be an easement on property owned by others.  Mr. Green noted at this time the Planning Board has no jurisdiction on Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4.   Hugh noted that Mr. Ellis is saying the Lots 5 and 6 may have drainage issues.

Mr. Green noted that they are not proposing any drainage on the new lots.

Hugh noted they are proposing a 6% grade change and going down the hill. Mr. Green noted they have to go a negative about 25 feet off Jug City Road.  At this time, they are only asking for a driveway, not a road.  He noted that they may need to install drainage in the future.  He noted there is no culvert proposed for the driveway.  Mr. Green noted that when they did Lots 3 and 4 it was considered a major subdivision.  He reiterated they are putting in a driveway, not a road.

Mr. Contoir noted that the Road Agent did not want culverts under the driveways.

Jay noted at this point in the process we need an escrow to go to Regional Planning to have the plans reviewed. Mr. Green noted the application has not been accepted by the Board.  It was discussed the Board opened the public hearing, but has not accepted the application.

The application was reviewed by the Board.

John motioned to approve the application, Hugh seconded the motion. The motion passed.  Jay noted that this begins the clock for approval.

Jay noted that as soon as they give the Town the escrow account amount he would have Regional Planning review the plans.

Hugh motioned to continue the Public Hearing, Sharon seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Administrative Session


Minutes of August 10, 2016

It was determined to review the minutes of August 10, 2016 at the next meeting.


The Board received a copy of a request for more information from DES to 500 North Road Realty Trust, LLC.

Old/New Business

Sharon noted that at one point the Board had discussed having two points of access for subdivisions. She presented the Board with a proposed revision to the regulations for having two points of access.

Jay adjourned the meeting at 8:45

Respectfully submitted,

Betsy Bosiak

Recording Secretary