Case 2024-01 (Terry - Var.) Rehearing U19-46




The Epsom Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, April 3rd 2024 in the Epsom Fire Department Meeting Room,

1714 Dover Rd, Epsom, NH 03234.  The public hearing begins at 6:30 PM to take testimony on the following appeals:

Case 2024-01 (Terry – Var.) Rehearing - Attorney McQuarrie, representing NVK Land Trust owner of the property, has been granted a rehearing of the Zoning Board’s denial of a variance to Article III, Section G [Residential Single and Multi-Family Residence Requirements], paragraph 1 [Single Family Requirements] b. [Building Lots] to allow construction of a single family residence on a pre-existing lot with no public road frontage (200 feet required).  The property is located on Chestnut Pond Road (private) within the Residential/Agricultural Zoning District and is identified on Epsom Tax Map U-19 as Lot 46.

Public testimony will be considered in determining if sufficient evidence has been submitted to justify granting this zoning appeal.

Following the public hearing, the Board will transact any other business that may legally be brought before it.

The public is cordially invited to attend the meeting.


Glenn Horner, Chair

Epsom Board of Adjustment