Zoning Board of Adjustments - Minutes (Draft)

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, July 20, 2016


Town of Epsom

Zoning Board of Adjustment


In Attendance: Glenn Horner, Chairman; George Carlson, Vice Chairman; Mike Hoisington, Alternate; John Dodge, Planning Board Representative; Andrew Ramsdell, Ricky Belanger; Darlene Phelps, Recording Secretary

Not In Attendance: Gary Kitson, Alternate

Also In Attendance: Jay Hickey; Nancy Vanscoy; Michael Detrick

Case 2016-04 (Detrick – Variance) – Michael Detrick has applied for a variance to Article III, Section G, Sub-Section 1.c, [Setback from Property Lines]. The applicant is proposing to construct an addition to an existing deck which will extend to eleven feet (11’) from a property sideline.  Fifteen feet (15’) is required.  The property is located on Dover Road within the Residential/Commercial Zoning District and is identified on Epsom Tax Map as U-1, Lot 21. 

7:00 PM Glenn called the meeting to order and introduced the members of the board. The minutes of 6/15/16 were reviewed.  George made a motion to approve as amended. Andrew seconded the motion. All in favor.  John, Alan & Mike abstained as they were not in attendance at that meeting.

Glenn explained the procedure for the meeting. He advised that this hearing was properly posted in two public places as well as published in the Concord Monitor.  All abutters were notified by certified mail and all certified receipts have been received back with the exception of Dinah Haycock, Dennis Smestad, Laurie Plumley and Gordon & Pamela Ellis.

Nancy and Michael were sworn in. Nancy explained that their property is non-conforming and the current edge of the house sits right on the Epsom/Northwood property line. There is an existing 4’ deck – like a farmer’s porch – and they’d like to extend it by 8’.  The new structure will be 11’ away from the property line (on the opposite side), vs. the required 15’ setback.  There is a 25’ right-of-way on that side of the house.

Glenn said the only way to establish the actual property line is to have the land surveyed, and asked if it is has been surveyed. The applicants responded no, they just have their tax maps.  Glenn said the only way to establish that the variance that is being granted is actual, and not a guess of where the property line is, is to have that line surveyed.  Rick said that this is one of the tornado houses, and recalled that many of the properties in that area were surveyed. Jay said he checked already and it was not one of the surveyed properties.  Glenn advised that they only need that one property line surveyed – not the entire property.

They have already applied to the State for a shoreline protection act permit.

John made a motion to continue to September 7. Andrew seconded the motion. All in favor.

7:40 PM Old/New Business

Our next meeting will be August 3.

7:45 PM Andrew made a motion to adjourn.  John seconded the motion.  All in favor.